Expectativas del entrenador
Los entrenadores son la clave para que nuestro programa de plantación de iglesias funcione. Proporcionan el más alto nivel de experiencia para trabajar con muchos candidatos, mentores e iglesias diferentes…
Calvary Global NetworkJune 9, 2022
Coach Expectations
Coaches are the key in making our church planting program work. They provide the highest level of expertise to work with many different candidates, mentors, and churches implementing the overall…
Calvary Global NetworkJune 9, 2022
Expectativas de los mentores
Usted está a punto de embarcarse en un viaje increíble de mentor de plantación de iglesias. Ser mentor de un sembrador de iglesias es tan gratificante como enriquecedor. Los mentores…
Calvary Global NetworkJune 9, 2022
Mentor Expectations
You are about to embark on an amazing journey of church planting mentorship. Being a mentor to a church planter is as rewarding as it is enriching. Cultivate mentors participate…
Calvary Global NetworkJune 9, 2022